强度 & 弹性车间

强度 & 弹性车间


云顶集团(云顶集团ith 本·迪拉博士D, BCC, Gupta College of Business 教师 member, FoundThe er 和 Managing 主任 大胆的领导者培养 (BLD 有限责任公司)和 Joel 班尼特,博士,CWP,总裁 组织健康 & 学习系统 (owl)等公司合作提供了 强度 & 弹性车间.

的 processes that undThe erlie core leadThe ership strengths 和 emotional intelligence also inform one’s ability to anticipate, manage, 和 respond to stress in positive ways. That is, strengths allow us to move from merely coping to being resilient 和 on toward 蓬勃发展的. By doing self-awareness, paired, 和 group exercises, individuals can tap into this ability in more intentional 和 proactive ways for both personal 和 professional 增长. 

StudThe ents who complete this highly interactive one 和 a half day online workshop will:

  • 对他们的领导风格有新的认识
  • 确定情商和适应力的领域
  • Recognize qualities in self 和 others for supporting ongoing 增长
  • IdThe entify risk areas of “triggers” that can undThe ermine one’s own leadThe ership 和 dThe evelop 纠正计划
  • Gain tools to help transform stress into a positive resilience resource
  • Learn how to navigate 和 synthesize the different languages of 强度s, Emotional 智力和适应力
  • Walk away with practical tools 和 an action plan to realize the full benefits of 以上因素
  • Gain a new community of like-mindThe ed journeyers on the path to self-awareness 和 leadThe ership
  • 接收…的结果 盖洛普的克利夫顿优势评估 以及一份简短的EI调查,一份“原始的应对能力:从压力到繁荣,以及练习册材料



Dr. Joel 班尼特, CWP

乔尔·班尼特博士.D. CWP

乔尔·班尼特博士.D.他是 组织健康和学习系统 (OWLS), a consulting firm that specializes in evidThe ence-based wellness, resilience, mental well-being, 和 catalyzing healthy work cultures from the insidThe e out.  他第一次 dThe elivered stress-management programming in 1985, 和 OWLS programs have since reached close to 250,000 workers across the United States 和 abroad. 猫头鹰以证据为基础的 prevention programs have been recognized by the US Surgeon General 和 used in a variety 公共卫生和社区环境. owl的客户包括公司、私人、 非营利组织,地方和联邦机构. owl已经获得了近600万美元的联邦资金 re搜索 grants to assess, dThe esign 和 dThe eliver workplace wellness programs. Dr. 班尼特 is the author of over 30 peer-reviewed re搜索 articles, 和 he has authored/ co-authored 五本书: 原始的应对能力Heart-Centered领导 (与Susan Steinbrecher合作), 时间与亲密防止工作场所滥用药物; 和 幸福冠军:一本以能力为基础的指南.    

Dr. 本Dilla


本·迪拉博士.D., is Affiliate Assistant Professor of Management in the Gupta College of Business at 的 云顶集团 和 an Executive Coach through 大胆的领导者培养, 有限责任公司. Ben served as a Behavioral Scientist 和 Personnel Officer in the US Air Force, 和 was a Senior 领导 发展 Consultant for Personnel Decisions International (PDI, now Korn Ferry), supporting talent dThe evelopment in a widThe e range of companies 和 industries including Walmart, Texas Instruments, BNSF Railway, FedEx, 和 the 军队 & 美国空军交换服务处. 他还做过培训 & 发展 leadThe er for several companies in the DFW area, including Fannie Mae, American Airlines, UT西南医学中心和帕克兰医院. Dr. 迪拉是 over 20 peer-reviewed articles 和 conference presentations 和 is working on his 第一本书(与Dr. 乔尔·班尼特) Your Best Self at Work: 的 Power of 强度-Based Emotional Intelligence.




2021年1月26日星期二(晚上7:00 - 9:30)

2021年1月29日星期五(上午8:30 -下午4:00)

Participants are requested to complete pre-work assignments between Tuesday 和 Saturday.

报名截止日期: 1月15日, 2021

早鸟报名截止日期: 2020年12月26日

Early bird registration period ends 30 days from the start of the class. 为了 to qualify for the early bird discount, studThe ents must fill out 和 submit (online) the registration form, 和 submit full payment prior to the early bird dThe eadline.



报名截止日期: 2021年1月15日

早鸟报名截止日期: 2020年12月26日

Early bird registration period ends 30 days from the start of the class. 为了 to qualify for the early bird discount, studThe ents must fill out 和 submit (online) the registration form, 和 submit payment prior to the early bird dThe eadline.


学费 & 折扣




StudThe ents can earn an early bird discount by completing the registration process (including 在“早起鸟”截止日期前全额付款. e“早起鸟”时间从上课开始算起30天结束. 为了获得资格 the early bird discount, studThe ents must fill out 和 submit the online registration form, 和 submit full payment prior to the early bird dThe eadline (see registration dThe eadline section for dThe eadline information). 


云顶集团 can accept cash, check, or credit card payments. 我们接受 VISA, MasterCard, Discover, 和 American Express using our online payment portal. 我们的财务办公室只接受现金. 支票可邮寄至: 

1845 E. 北门开


This workshop is dThe esigned for anyone on their leadThe ership journey. 这些概念适用 对专业和个人领导力的培养. 无论你是一个企业主 or a community volunteer, experienced as a supervisor or a chief executive, we welcome 形形色色的参与者. 的 tools for emotional intelligence, character strengths, 弹性具有普遍的适用性. 演讲者和工作坊设计将 帮助你将这些概念应用到你的情况中. 


这一天(7).5小时的研讨会将于1月29日星期五举行th) 和 is precedThe ed by 2 to 3 hours of prework (complete Clifton 强度s® 和 Emotional Intelligence assessments 和 review results; complete a resilience workbook) 和 a 预备(2.星期二(一月二十六日)晚上5时正th). 工作坊包含六个模块(如下图所示). 下面回顾一下总体情况 modThe el (module 1), participants work through each of the four domains of 强度s 和 their associated areas of Emotional Intelligence as follows: (i) know the domain 和 one’s strengths (or gaps) in that domain; (ii) undThe erst和 the key stress 和 coping skills associated with that domain; (iii) activities, case studies 和 discussions where participants share 和 learn in a team-oriented environment. 在最后一个模块中, 参与者制定并分享他们的行动计划.


Three pillar concepts guidThe e the dThe esign of this workshop: Character 强度s (Knowing which areas of personality afford greater self-leadThe ership); 原始的应对能力 (the ability to transform stress into a positive resource); 和 Emotional Intelligence (Self 和 social awareness 和 management skills for working with emotions during 压力).




For more information about this course, discount information, or help registering 请联系 凯西·惠特格罗夫发来的邮件 or 972-721-5298.