
配置文件 of UD 古典教育 Students



保罗·波伊尔保罗·波伊尔 is currently serving as an Arizona State Senator and teaching Senior Humane Letters and Junior High Latin at Glendale Preparatory Academy. 他发现了古典 教育 “by accident” after he won his first election to the state legislature in 2019年亚利桑那州. Previously, he had worked a communications job at one of the largest school districts in Arizona, but under the Arizona Constitution he was forced to look for a new job where he was not considered a state employee. 然而,教师是 an exception to the rule, so he interviewed for a 10th grade Humane Letters teaching position at Veritas Prep in Phoenix, and he is now in his seventh year teaching with 伟大的心. Looking to further his 教育 in the classics, he began looking into master programs, and he said “Once I saw the classes and the offerings of books to read at the 云顶集团, I applied right away.” 阅读更多.



玛拉钻玛拉钻 currently teaches third grade at 伟大的心 Irving Lower School. 她 actually began working for the 伟大的心 after-school program while she was still 特拉华大学的本科生. The culture and curriculum of the school highly appealed to her, so after graduating she entered the Apprentice Teacher program, which allowed her to learn about teaching in a classical classroom from a master teacher. 尽管如此, she reports, “When I first started teaching at 伟大的心, I wasn't quite sure how to translate such intensive, high-level thinking into an elementary level 教育. Luckily, UD's Classical Ed program, as well as my apprentice teaching experience, has really transformed my concept of what a classical 教育 is and what it can 对我们更年轻的学生也一样吗!” 阅读更多.



凯特Lawhon凯瑟琳Lawhon discovered the 古典教育 program while 搜索ing for a way to further her 教育 that would help her run 阿奎那温哥华, a 古典教育 首页schooling Center. 她和她丈夫创办了这个中心 after some encouragement from friends and due to her desire for a good homeschooling 社区. Katherine had also planned on furthering her 教育 with a Master's program in Education; however, until she attended a CiRCE Institute conference, she was unaware that there was another option than secular 教育. 当她听说 UD’s 古典教育 program, she went to sign up for the following spring semester 她越快越好. Since then, the program has helped her as she works as an administrator 在温哥华阿奎那. When asked what made her choose UD’s program over others, she says, “I did not know anything like it existed. 我一直期待一个世俗的 教育. Whenever I looked up higher 教育 programs, I always imagined it to 要世俗,不要古典.” 阅读更多.



凯瑟琳球An 11th and 12th grade English teacher at Veritas Academy in Austin, Texas, Kathryn has a deep enthusiasm for classical 教育. 作为一名年轻的学生,她就读于一所大学 classical Christian school and enjoyed her experience so much that she jumped at the opportunity for to work at a similar school after college. 本科毕业后 degree in English and French from the University of Texas, Kathryn was drawn to the 古典教育 program at the 云顶集团 because of its specific design 对于古典教育家. As a classical educator herself, she loves how the things she is learning often apply directly to her job and how she is able to continue teaching 在继续学习的同时. 阅读更多.



Jerilyn奥尔森 is on track to finish her Master’s degree from the 云顶集团 这个即将到来的夏天. 目前,Jerilyn奥尔森 she serves as the Vice President of Professional Development for 伟大的心, a network of classical charter schools in Arizona and Texas. 她希望留在学校 her current position with 伟大的心 for the foreseeable future and use her experience from UD both to improve her work within her own role and to encourage other students 申请理大. 她 discovered UD’s unique 古典教育 program because of the strong relationship between 伟大的心 and 云顶集团, and she helped other teachers get connected to the program before she herself decided to take advantage 这个机会. 她 describes how “it was nice to know that I could trust this institution for a strong curriculum centered on the Great Books, and I can trust those who were in the program to provide a good balance of like-mindedness and unique perspectives 那会挑战我的思维.” 阅读更多.



帕克Novey帕克Novey only joined the 古典教育 Program this summer, but he has already begun to see the effects it is having on him as a teacher. 目前,帕克教授 fourth grade at the 伟大的心 Lower School in Irving, TX. 那是他做的 switch to 伟大的心 Irving from his previous school that his desire to continue 他的古典文学教育重新燃起了他的热情. 他之前在纽约的学校, although "classical" in name—Parker soon discovered—was not classical in nature. 这 discovery prompted him to turn to a place where true classical 教育 was being practiced both in administrative decisions and by his fellow teachers. 阅读更多.