
Develop the essential skills needed to launch your career.

All Masters 程序s in the Satish and Yasmin Gupta College of Business can be completed within 18 – 24 months*.

The DBA 程序 can be completed in approximately 36 months. 

Degree Granting Programs

学位课程 Credit Hours Required † 阀杆设计 格式
100%的在线 100% Onground 混合‡
工商管理硕士 30  
工商管理硕士会计 39    
工商管理硕士 Business Analytics 39  
工商管理硕士网络安全 42    
工商管理硕士金融 42  
工商管理硕士市场 39  
工商管理硕士 Strategic 领导 39  
会计女士 33    
MS Business Analytics 30  
网络安全女士 30    
金融女士 33    
DBA 62      

* Accelerated degree plans may be available. Speak with your advisor for options available 给你.
 Specific 工商管理硕士 and MS 程序s might have 程序 specific requirements which could mean an additional 3 to 6 hours for those without business education background. 请 contact your advisor for more details
 A significant portion of the courses in this 程序 can be completed online.  请 contact your advisor for more details.

Non-Degree Seeking Programs

Not seeking a full degree? The University of Dallas offers non-degree seeking credentials, certificates and certifications offer a trio of educational advancements tailored for the evolving workforce and individual career development. These credentials provide flexible, focused, and often more accessible pathways to gaining specialized knowledge and skills than traditional degree 程序s, catering to a wide range of learners, including working professionals, recent graduates, and those looking to pivot in their 职业生涯.


Certifications offer unique benefits that cater to different goals, whether it's quickly acquiring new skills, deepening expertise in a specific area, or validating professional 能力. These credentials can significantly enhance employability, facilitate career advancement, and support lifelong learning in a rapidly changing world.

Microcredentials stand out for their specificity and speed. They allow individuals to acquire targeted skills in a relatively short amount of time. 这是特别的 advantageous in fast-changing industries, such as technology and digital marketing, where staying abreast of the latest tools, platforms, and methodologies is crucial. Microcredentials also offer the benefit of demonstrating continued learning and professional development, making candidates more attractive in competitive job markets. 他们经常 come in the form of digital badges or certificates that can be easily shared on professional 人脉和简历.

Graduate certificates provide a more in-depth exploration of a subject area than microcredentials, without the commitment required for a full master's degree. They are structured to give professionals the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to advance or pivot in their 职业生涯. For many, a graduate certificate is a strategic step towards a higher degree, as credits earned can sometimes be applied to a master's 程序. This option is particularly appealing for individuals looking to enhance their qualifications or specialize in a new area without the time and financial investment of a full degree 程序. 新- 2024年秋季

Certifications, often industry-specific, serve as a benchmark of competence and commitment 对一个职业来说. Achieving certification typically requires passing an exam and, in some cases, meeting work experience requirements. These credentials are especially valuable in fields where they are recognized as a standard of professional achievement, such as project management, IT, healthcare, and education. Holding a certification can lead to enhanced job opportunities, higher salaries, and greater job security, as it signals a proven level of expertise and dedication to one's career.






All 程序s are AACSB accredited


Active support for all students and alumni


Typically limited to under 25 to facilitate active interaction and networking


Over 95% of faculty with significant industry experience

学费 & 费用

  • $1275 per credit hour
  • (One-time) Matriculation Fee: $160
  • Graduation Fee: $100

Quality Business Education

Sharon Hernandez, '18

“There's an ethical component discussed in every class, which is important because your decisions as a leader not only affect your organization, but can also extend to the community as a whole.”
