

The 艺术部门 at the University of Dallas occupies a cluster of studios in the Haggerty 艺术 Village:

* 雕塑 Studio (Wood shop, metal shop, foundry)
* Foundations Studio 
* Digital Media Labs
* 3D打印机实验室 (CAD软件)
* 艺术画廊 (1,800 sq. ft)

Located in a lush forest setting, the 艺术部门 at the University of Dallas inspires students to create, explore 和 develop their craft. The 艺术部门 faculty have extensive working experience 和 help students with their artistic endeavors, knowledge 和技术. UD is minutes away from 达拉斯艺术博物馆, Nasher 雕塑 Center, Perot Museum of Nature 和 Science 和 more. 艺术istic adventure, resources 和 opportunities 附近有.

In the sophomore year, preferably the fall semester, the undergraduate art student has a special opportunity to participate in the University of Dallas Rome Program, enabling the student to see great museums 和 architecture in Rome 和 other art epicenters of the ancient Mediterranean world. 

艺术ists help maintain 和 develop the cultural life of a society by means of their unique expression of the basic truths of existence. The experience 和 practice of visual art creates an awareness of these basic truths, 和 especially of the imaginal 和 creative aspects of life, which is vital in the formation of the complete human 被. 艺术 programs at the University of Dallas therefore seek to develop the critical aesthetic faculties within the student 和 to nurture that knowing 和 judging capacity 人类的精神. 学生 from other academic disciplines gain breadth 和 insight from courses in studio art 和 art history, which share common ground with the other humanistic disciplines 和 creative arts 和 complement the sciences.

Undergraduate BA in 艺术

The department views the experience 和 practice of the visual arts, particularly at the undergraduate level, as an interdisciplinary pursuit. Within the art major, the five areas offered are 艺术历史, 陶瓷, 绘画, 版画雕塑. The art student is involved in the artistic 和 scholarly environment of the Haggerty 艺术 Village, with stimulation provided by independent study offerings, the presence of graduate students, 和 on-campus 和 Dallas/Fort Worth area exhibitions 和 collections, as well as visiting artists 和 lecturers. All of these construct the real environment needed for growth in the arts.

研究生课程 in 艺术

The University of Dallas graduate art curriculum pairs the study of visual art from historical, theoretical 和 critical perspectives with disciplined studio practice in an effort to define a clear underst和ing of the work 和 its evolution. 学生 work with the entire graduate art faculty through independent studies, one-on-one critique sessions 和 group evaluations. A strong commitment 和 dedication to the process of creating art 和 sound critical thinking are characteristic of our students. 


The University of Dallas art students have moved into a variety of roles. 突出了 包括:

  • 艺术总监
  • 多媒体艺术家
  • 室内设计师
  • 博物馆馆长
  • 艺术教授
  • 好的艺术家 
  • 插画家
  • 艺术 Conservator/Restorer
  • 艺术治疗师
  • 平面设计师


Local museums, schools 和 companies offer job opportunities.

  • 达拉斯艺术博物馆
  • Dallas Contemporary Museum
  • Crow Museum of Asian 艺术
  • Frontiers of Flight Museum
  • 梅多斯博物馆
  • Nasher 雕塑 Center
  • Museum of Biblical 艺术
  • African American Museum
  • Perot Museum of Nature And Science











Estelle Voisin Fonteneau Ph.D.

Affiliate Assistant Professor of 艺术历史

电话: (972) 721-5318

电子邮件: efonteneau@bobbyingano.com

Office: 艺术历史 Building #103

Mihee Nahm

Mihee Nahm美术硕士

Assistant Professor of 绘画

电话: (972) 265-5787

电子邮件: mnahm@bobbyingano.com

Office: 绘画/版画 Building, #204

凯利O 'Briant


Associate Professor of 陶瓷

电话: (972) 721-5316

电子邮件: kobriant@bobbyingano.com

Office: 陶瓷 Building, #108



Assistant Professor of 版画

电话: (972) 721-5301

电子邮件: lpost@bobbyingano.com

Office: 绘画/版画 Building #112 W 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. /预约



Chair, Professor of 雕塑

电话: (972) 721-5284

电子邮件: pshore@bobbyingano.com

Office: 雕塑 Building