David Davies Ph.D.

David Davies, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Classics, English

Phone: (972) 721-5213

Email: davies@bobbyingano.com

Office: Braniff Graduate Building #366

Classical Traditions in English Literature
Philosophical Foundations of Literary Criticism
Classical Tragedy & Comedy
Classical Epic
Roman Lyric Poetry

BA (Philosophy and History): University of Rochester
MA (Classics): University of Rochester
PhD (Classics): State University of New York at Buffalo

Dissertation: "The Education of Socrates in Xenophon's Oeconomicus" (Ann Arbor: UMI, 1989).

Recent Courses in English

ENG 1301: Literary Tradition I
ENG 1302: Literary Tradition II
ENG 2311: Literary Tradition III 
ENG 2312: Literary Tradition IV
ENG 4362: Twentieth Century Literature 
ENG 6333: Milton 
ENG 6344: Tragedy & Comedy 
ENG 6360: Literary Criticism and Theory 
ENG 6375: Seventeenth Century Lyric
IPS 8341: Dante & Milton (with John Alvis)

Recent Courses in Classics

CLG 1301: Elementary Greek I 
CLG 1302: Elementary Greek II 
CLG 2311: Intermediate Greek 
CLL 2312: Intermediate Latin II 
CLL 3332/5301 Cicero De Officiis 
CLG 3326: Greek Tragedy: Euripides 
CLL 3334: St. Augustine 

Monographs and Articles

Davies, D.O. et al. Agnellus of Ravenna, Arethusa Monograph VIII, SUNY at Buffalo, (1981).

Davies, D.O. and Dowling, P. "Shrewd books, with dangerous Frontispieces': Areopagitica's Motto," Milton Quarterly Vol. 20, no. 2 (May 1986).

"Eve's First Words: Ovidian Wit, Platonic Self-Knowledge & Milton's Translations in Paradise Lost 4.440-491".Classical and Modern Literature Vol. 27 No. 2 (Winter 2008).

Davies, D.O. Milton's Socratic Rationalism: The Conversations of Adam an Eve in Paradise Lost, Lexington Books, (2017).

Works in Progress

"A Spectacle of Innocence: Book IV of Paradise Lost"

"On such gentle acts as these": Milton's Sonnet VIII"

Michael Davis The Poetry of Philosophy: Aristotle's Poetics, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham : 1992, in the Review of Politics.