

Department Chair, Associate Professor, 经济学

电话: (972) 721-5159

电子邮件: aramos1@bobbyingano.com

Office: SB Hall #201

对来说 & interview requests contact: aramos1@bobbyingano.com


University of Notre Dame, PhD, 经济学
University of Notre Dame, MA 经济学
St. Mary’s University, BA History


Assistant Professor of 经济学, Dept of Accounting, 经济学, & 金融、
研究生 & undergraduate, West Texas A&米大学
 访问ing Assistant Professor, Dept of Management and 领导, US Coast Guard Academy
Postdoctoral Re搜索er, Institute for Latino Studies, Univ of Notre Dame
Lecturer, Dept of 经济学, Univ of Notre Dame & 圣玛丽大学.


Fundamentals of 经济学
History of Economic Thought
Comparative Economic Systems
Economic Development
Special Topics: Seminar in Economic Development
毕业论文一 & II
Special Topics: 经济学 of 的 启蒙运动
Catholic Social Thought and Economic Issues


History of Economic Thought and 的 Production of Knowledge
Economic Development
经济学 of 的 Scottish 启蒙运动
Catholic Social Thought

Shifting Capital: Mercantilism and 的 经济学 of 的 Act of Union of 1707, Palgrave Macmillan, December 2018.



“Beyond Montesquieu: Scottish Institutional Legal Thought and 的 Role of Custom in Sir James Steuart’s Principles of 政治经济,” in J. 杂烩汤(ed.), 的 Economic Thought of Sir James Steuart: First Economist of 的 Scottish 启蒙运动, Routledge, November 2019.


“On 的 Necessity of 的 Middle Class: Considerations and Cautions from Adam Smith and Sir James Steuart on Stability, Growth, and 的 Declining U.S. 中产阶级。” In Parens and Espericueta (eds.), Reflections on 的 Middle Class: Phlosophical and Historical, University of Costa Rica Press  Forthcoming.


•”’An Invitation to All Persons:’ 的 Dublin Society and Public Reason in Eighteenth-Century 爱尔兰。” Oeconomia: Philosophy, History, Methodology,卷. 9, issue 3, Fall 2019.  研究文章.  Final edit submitted 4 Nov 2019. 12月出版. 2019          

•“When She’s Forc’d She’s Free: Mercantilist Thought and Defoe’s 加勒多尼亚。” Digital Defoe: Studies in Defoe and His Contemporaries, 11.2019年秋季. 1月出版. 2020.

•”Inequality, 的 Middle Class, and 的 Common Good, 精神问题, journal of 的 Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center, Summer 2019.  邀请的文章.

•“权力vs”. Provision: Jonathan Swift’s 经济学 as an Alternative to Mercantilism,” Eighteenth-Century Ireland (32), 2017.   

• “Luxury, Crisis, and Consumption: Sir James Steuart and 的 Eighteenth Century Luxury 辩论,” History of 经济学 Review2011年冬季. 研究文章.

• “A Universal Scotland of 的 Mind: James Steuart, Adam 史密斯, and 的 Need for a Political Economy,” co-authored with Philip Mirowski.  POROI: Journal for 的 Project on 的 Rhetoric of Inquiry* 2011年春季.  研究文章. (*journal has since changed its subtitle to An Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetorical Inquiry and Invention)

Mapping Compassion on 的 Frontlines: A National 目录 of Latino FBOs, with 的 Center for 的 Study of Latino Religion, Institute for Latino Studies, University of Notre Dame, online publication, March 2008  研究报告.

•”Compassion on 的 Frontlines: An Assessment of Latino-Serving 信仰-Based 组织,” 与G. 明星,R. 主任E. 埃尔南德斯,M. Pena, M. Popescu, M. Mata和J. 史密斯, Institute for Latino Studies, University of Notre Dame, online publication, March 2008. 研究报告. 

•多个条目.  百科全书 of 启蒙运动.  P. H. Reill & E. J. 威尔逊,eds. 新 York: Facts on File Publishing, 2004.  同行评议. Short re搜索 articles.


  • Presenter/lecturer, UD video series on Catholic faith and culture, Lecture on 经济学 and Catholic Social Thought, 2017-2018.
  • Guest interview, on justice and Catholic Social Thought, Dave Palmer Show, Catholic radio, July 24, 2017.
  • Monthly guest: various topics related to development, energy, sustainability, Brexit, and Catholic social thought, Shootin 的 Breeze radio show, 1140AM Talk Radio, iHeart Radio online, March 2016-present
  • Interview on UD conference on 的 middle class, US middle class & 我是戴夫·帕尔默 show, Catholic Radio 940AM, August 16, 2016, aired Sept 3, 2016
  • Interview, Paris Climate Conference and developing countries, Shootin 的 Breeze Radio show, iHeart Radio, online, December 8, 2015
  • 面试: Laudato Si, economic development and energy policy, Shootin 的 Breeze radio show, iHeart Radio, 在网上,9月. 28, 2015.
  • 面试: Laudato Si, Catholic Social Teaching, and capitalism, Dave Rankin Show, AM730, McAllen, TX Sept 22, 2015.