Financial Aid Terms

Financial Aid Terms

Glossary of Terms


A period of time used to measure a unit of enrollment. Most often including the fall and spring terms. 对于我们的本科生来说,一个学年可以包括夏天 following the fall and spring semesters.
你可借入的资助及/或非资助贷款总额的限额 for your studies. 如果你在你的教育过程中收到的贷款总额 达到总贷款限额,您将没有资格获得额外贷款. 如果你偿还了一些贷款,使你的未偿贷款债务低于总额 然而,贷款限额,你可以再借一次,以你的剩余资格 under the aggregate loan limit. 
每学年联邦学生贷款资格的上限. These amounts vary by type of loan and grade level. Your school will tell you how much you are eligible 每个学年收到,具体金额可以在学生援助处找到.gov.
加到联邦学生贷款本金余额中的未付利息. 未来的利息由增加的本金余额支付,本金余额可能会增加 你的月还款额和你在联邦存续期内还款额的总和 student loan. 
上学一学年的总费用,包括实际费用(学费、 学费,住宿和食物),以及估计的额外费用(交通费,书本费) and personal expenses).
Failure to repay a loan according to the agreed-upon terms. For the Direct Loan program, 如果你在270天内没有付款,你的贷款通常是违约的. Your 贷款人必须向至少一个国家征信局报告违约情况. 
允许你暂时停止支付联邦学生贷款. You 资助贷款延期期间不收取利息吗. Interest will continue to be charged on your unsubsidized loans and PLUS loans. Students enrolled at least half-time are eligible for in-school deferment. 
费用,包括学费和杂费,由大学设定和收费. For residential students, these also include housing and food. 
在某些情况下,借款人不负责的联邦学生贷款 在在校期间、宽限期或延期期间支付利息.
一种联邦学生贷款,借款人完全有责任支付学费 interest, regardless of the loan status. 
衡量你家庭经济实力的指标,学校用来计算 你有资格获得的联邦学生援助金额. SAI is calculated according 根据法律制定的公式,并考虑到家庭收入等因素, assets and benefits, as well as family size. The SAI is provided to colleges by the FAFSA. 你的SAI不是你的家庭要支付的大学学费, 也不是你将获得的联邦学生援助金额. 
一段时间,通常从借款人毕业后的第二天开始,离开 学时或半日以下,于还款前一日结束 period begins. 补贴贷款和非补贴贷款的宽限期 Direct Loan program are six months. 
学生助学金是给追求高等教育的人的礼物. Unlike student loans, grants do not require repayment.
The cost to borrow money. Interest is calculated as a percentage of the outstanding (unpaid) principal balance. 
Money that you borrow and repay with interest. 
你收到的每笔联邦学生贷款都要收取一定比例的费用 total loan amount you are borrowing (gross amount). The loan fee is deducted proportionately from each disbursement of your loan. This reduces the actual loan amount you receive (net amount). 具体的贷款费用,你收取包括在披露 第一次支付联邦学生贷款后收到的结算单. You will be required to repay the gross amount. 

你承诺偿还联邦学生贷款的法律文件 accrued interest and fees to your lender or loan holder. There is one MPN for direct 资助/非资助贷款和不同的MPN直接PLUS贷款. Most schools 是否被授权在一个MPN下提供最多10年的多项联邦学生贷款. 

借款人的权利和责任:MPN包含借款人的权利和责任 说明你所获贷款的条款及条件. 

学生援助的中央数据库,在那里你可以看到任何标题IV补助金(i.e. Pell) or loan (i.e. subsidized or unsubsidized loan) you receive. This website has been 并入联邦学生援助网站, Log into 以查看您的联邦补助金和贷款信息.
直接父母PLUS贷款是为受供养本科生的合资格父母提供的贷款 学生帮助支付学生的教育费用. Students' loan information 不包括由家长代其申请的PLUS贷款. 
通过向贷款持有人或服务机构定期付款来偿还你所借的钱. 根据贷款金额、贷款情况,还款期限可为10至30年 类型和还款计划(这是借款人和贷款人之间决定的计划) 你每个月支付的金额和你必须支付的次数).
您在FAFSA上提交的信息摘要,为您提供您的 student aid index (SAI). Formerly called the Student Aid Report (SAR).
Student loans provided by the U.S. Department of Education to enable a student to pay for education after high school. Eligible students borrow directly from the U.S. Department of Education at participating schools. Direct loans include the following 联邦学生贷款的类型:直接补贴贷款,直接无补贴贷款, direct PLUS loans and direct consolidation loans. 
这个基于需求的项目既不是赠款也不是贷款,而是一个赚钱的机会 每学期通过在经批准的联邦政府直接就业获得一定数额的资金 Work Study (FWS) positions. To receive funds, you will need to be awarded work study and secure a work study job. Awarded funds will NOT show on your student account. Students receive pay for actual hours worked; the funds are not applied directly to your tuition.