


大学 is committed to providing an accommodation to students who need the 情感支持动物的存在. 这里列出的是保存指南 an emotional support animal on campus once approved to do so. 然而,第一步 是通过 残疾学生服务办公室s.


的 Owner must abide by current city, county, and state ordinances, laws, and/or regulations pertaining to licensing, vaccination, and other requirements for animals. 它是。 Owner’s responsibility to know and understand these ordinances, laws, and regulations. 大学 has the right to require documentation of compliance with such ordinances, laws, and/or regulations, which may include a vaccination certificate. 大学 reserves the right to request documentation showing that the animal has been licensed. 的 Owner must also provide documentation of an annual clean bill of health for the 来自有执照的兽医的动物.

情感支持动物 in residential spaces will be limited due to the size of 居住环境的空间与自然. esa必须是非攻击性的 动物和限制大小和重量(25磅以下).). 

的 Owner is required to clean up after and properly dispose of the animal’s waste 以安全和卫生的方式.

的 Owner is required to ensure the animal is well cared for at all times. 任何证据 of mistreatment or abuse may result in immediate removal of the ESA and/or discipline 对于责任人. 

的 animal must be removed if it poses a threat to the safety or health 船东的 or another individual, is a repeated nuisance, is not housebroken, is found in an unauthorized building, or otherwise fails to comply with these guidelines. 后 first warning or if severe on the first occasion, the Owner must remove an animal 这是侵略的表现.e.,咬,攻击).

An individual with a disability may be charged for any damage caused by his or her ESA beyond reasonable wear and tear to the same extent that it charges other individuals 超出合理磨损的损害赔偿. 大学强烈建议这样做 the Owner have appropriate liability insurance in the event of an animal bite, scratch, 等. Upon the Owner vacating the residence hall or removal of the animal, the condition of the room/suite shall be assessed for necessary cleaning and if there is damage that exceeds normal wear and tear, the Owner will be charged. 业主的居住条件 may also be inspected for fleas, ticks or other pests if necessary as part of the 大学的标准或例行检查. 如果检测到跳蚤、蜱虫或其他害虫 through inspection, the residence will be treated using approved fumigation methods 由大学认可的害虫防治服务机构. 这笔费用将由业主支付 of any pest treatment above and beyond standard pest management in the residence halls. 大学 shall have the right to bill the Owner’s account for unmet obligations 根据这项规定. 

的 Owner must fully cooperate with University personnel with regard to meeting the terms of this Policy and developing procedures for care of the animal (e.g.、清洁 the animal, feeding/watering the animal, designating an outdoor relief area, disposing 粪便等.). 

的 animal must respond to voice or hand commands at all times, and be in full control 船东的. To the extent possible, the animal should be unobtrusive to other individuals 在生活环境中. 

ESAs may not be left overnight in University housing to be cared for by any individual 除船东外. If the Owner is to be absent from his/her residence hall overnight 或更长时间,动物必须陪伴主人.

For the safety and public health of all residents, visitors and staff, all ESAs must be contained in their Owner’s dormitory room and not in common areas. 所有esa必须 also be crated or caged in their Owner’s dorm room whenever the Owner is not present 在房间里. 

的 Owner will provide an emergency contact to the 学生事务处. 的 Owner identifies this individual as someone local who can care for the animal in case 进入紧急状态. Without this information, the University will board the animal at the 主人的费用. 

的 Owner agrees to abide by all equally applicable residential policies that are un与个人的残疾有关 such as assuring that the animal does not unduly interfere with the routine activities of the residence or cause difficulties 对于居住在那里的个人来说. 

的 animal is allowed in University housing only as long as it is necessary because 船东的残疾情况. 要取代ESA,新动物必须是必要的,因为 船东的残疾情况 and the Owner must follow the procedures in this Policy and the Reasonable Accommodation Policy when requesting a different animal. 

UD staff shall not be required to provide care or food for any ESA including, but not limited to, removing the animal during emergency evacuation for events such as 火灾报警器. Emergency personnel will determine whether to remove the animal and may not be held responsible for the care, damage to, or loss of the animal. 

的 individual must provide written consent for the 学生事务处 to disclose information regarding the request for and presence of the ESA to those individuals who may be impacted by the presence of the animal including, but not limited to, Residence Life personnel and potential and/or actual roommate(s)/neighbor(s). 这类信息 shall be limited to information related to the animal and shall not include information 与个人的残疾有关.