

In accordance with the federal code of regulations 34 CFR668.22、当联邦财政 aid recipient withdraws from all classes(officially or unofficially, as defined by regulations) during a term, the University of Dallas must determine the withdrawal 日期和使用联邦政府规定的计算来确定赠款的数额和/或 学生获得的贷款援助.  如果一个学生得到的帮助少于 赚了多少钱,他/她是否有资格获得这些资金.   如果学生得到更多 assistance than earned, the unearned “excess” funds must be returned by the school 和/或向适当的联邦援助计划提供援助.

Note: The Return of Title IV Funds calculation is different from the University of 达拉斯学杂费退款计算(古普塔商学院 or Constantin/Braniff Graduate School/Neuhoff Institute for Ministry & Evangelization).

Academic Calendar

University of Dallas operates on credit hours with terms based on payment periods. Each 学期包含模块(除了春季学期的本科生、布拉尼夫和学院) 部学生). 


A return of title IV funds (R2T4) is computed for a payment period.  A payment period 标准学期是秋季(包括入学的学期)还是春季 or Summer.

For R2T4, the total number of calendar days in a term is defined by the student’s 预定课程报名.e.课程的开始和结束日期,不包括预定日期 连续休息至少5天.  天数从开始日期开始计算 of the earliest course to the end date of the last course scheduled to complete (e.g. 最晚的结束日期),不包括预定的休息时间.  这可能还不够充分 length of a term.

Scheduled Breaks

在R2T4比赛中,排定的休息时间必须至少连续5天 calculation.  It includes periods when University of Dallas is not scheduled in session, e.g. holidays, and when the student is not scheduled to attend a course within the term (5 or more days between the end of one class and the beginning of the next).


在支付周期的总天数中,正式退出的课程 在学生停止出勤之前,不包括在学生被安排的天数中 to attend, unless the student remained enrolled in other courses for those days.  包括在学生休学前正式增加的课程。 即使这个学生从未开始上课.  注:由于模块的开始和结束 在期限内,将存在多个添加/删除期.


University of Dallas does not require attendance be taken, as federally defined.


云顶集团已指定注册办公室通知一所大学 或者退出课程. Though reporting intent to withdrawn to another office, such 作为经济援助,学生账户服务或学术院长将被考虑 启动提款流程,该日期将用于R2T4计算.


根据联邦法典34 CFR 668.第22(a)(2)(i)条,视为学生 to have withdrawn from a semester/module if the student does not complete all the days in the semester/module that the student was scheduled to complete.



  • 学生预定参加的所有课程均获得及格成绩 during the term
  • 学生计划参加的最后一门或几门课程的不及格成绩; 它可以被证明已经完成(1).e. the student earned a failing grade).


出于联邦援助的目的,学生将被视为退学,除非 否则,如果学生:

  • submits course withdrawal(s) from all courses scheduled for the semester/module.
  • submits a course withdrawal from the last course or courses scheduled to attend, i.e., 无论是否有,最晚结束日期的课程 其他课程已在休学前完成.
  • receives all non-passing grades in the courses scheduled for the semester/module
  • receives a non-passing grade in the last course or courses scheduled to attend

Withdrawal Date 

为了计算标题IV基金的回报(R2T4),学生的提款 具体日期取决于提款类型.


An official withdrawal occurs when a student withdraws (and/or drops) from:

  • 本学期的所有课程
  • all course(s) scheduled to complete for which a grade(s) is yet to be assigned.

The withdrawal date will be the date the Registrar’s Office receives notification from a student of his or her intent to withdraw via personal, postal, electronic, 或者传真,或者打电话.  书面通知可以是一所大学 Dallas Course Withdrawal Form, Form 160, or a written request.

*正式退课的最后一天包含在学历中 of each term. See Academic Calendar. 



  • receives all non-passing grades in courses scheduled to complete
  • receives a non-passing grade in the last course(s)scheduled to complete


If there is no student-initiated notification because of circumstances beyond the student’s control, i.e., illness, accident, grievous personal loss or other circumstances, the date related to the onset of that circumstance will be used as the withdrawal date.


The University may always use as the withdrawal date the date that is reported as 教员参加与学术有关的活动的最后日期 on a class roster, grade roster/sheet, online grading system, or other documented source.                     


学生退课的决定日期取决于退课的类型 withdrawal.


对于正式退出,确定退出的日期为同一日期 云顶集团记录的退课日期.


For an unofficial withdrawal, the date of determination of withdrawal is the date 用来确认一名学生退学的报告.  日期将在 学期结束后的30天.

如果学生因无法控制的情况而非正式退学,日期 确定的日期是经济援助办公室做出决定并成立的日期 a university withdrawal date, often in conjunction with other campus offices.



在R2T4计算中使用的联邦援助包括联邦佩尔助学金,补充助学金 教育机会补助金(SEOG),直接补贴贷款,直接无补贴贷款 Loans, and Direct PLUS loans that have been disbursed or are yet to be disbursed.  联邦工作研究不包括在内.

该大学还考虑R2T4中的德克萨斯学费均衡补助金(TEG) calculation. TEG along with institutional aid (merit scholarship and need-based aid) 会以与联邦援助相同的速度返还吗. 中出现异常 医疗戒断的案例.


The amount of Title IV federal aid assistance earned by the student is determined 在按比例的基础上,直到60%的期限结束(1).e. more than 这学期有60%的学生出席。. 例如,如果学生完成了30% 在一个期限内,原计划收到的援助资金的30%将被取消 earned. 一旦学生完成了一个学期60%以上的课程,就可以获得所有的奖学金.


在计算百分比时,计划完成的总天数是分母 of earned aid. 天数从开始日期开始计算 of the earliest course to 预定完成的最后一门课程的结束日期(1).e.,最晚结束日期), excluding scheduled 连续休息至少5天.


在计算百分比时,以截至提款日期的总天数为分子 of earned aid. The number of days reported is the total from the start date of first 课程至退球日,不包括连续至少五次的预定休息 days.


After calculating the percentage of aid earned, a calculation of the amount of aid 赚取的将被执行.  已支付和尚未支付的援助总额 term is multiplied by the percentage earned rounded to the nearest dollar amount.


 If the total amount of the Title IV grant and/or loan assistance earned as of the 取款日期是比当时支付给学生的金额多出的差额 between the two amounts will be treated as a post-withdrawal disbursement. In the 如果学生的账户上有未付的费用,云顶集团 提现后的款项是否会全部或部分记入学生的帐户 发放补助金援助(不是贷款),以可容许的收费为上限 (i.e.(学费、杂费、授权书本费及其他费用).


A post-withdrawal disbursement of grant funds is applied towards outstanding term 费用由学生支付,最多可支付允许的费用 (e.g. 学费、杂费、授权书费及其他费用).

助学金的剩余部分将支付给学生.  学生将在校内得到通知 决定撤回撤回后付款之日起30天.   退款将尽快寄出,但不迟于退款日期的45天 云顶集团决定该学生退学(正式或非正式).


如果学生符合资格,可以在提取贷款后支付贷款资金 接收资金. The student (or parent if a PLUS loan) will be notified within 30 days of the date of determination of withdrawal that loan funds are available. 学生将有机会接受、拒绝或减少金额 贷款,一般为两周.  在收到学生的及时回复后 (或家长),云顶集团将尽快发放贷款资金 但不得迟于决定学生退学之日起180天 date.  Loan funds will be applied towards the outstanding term charges on the student’s account.  The funds may pay up to the amount of the allowable charges (i.e., tuition, 费用、授权账簿及其他费用).  任何余款将直接支付 致学生(或家长).

云顶集团保留决定是否进行退学的权利 如果学生(或家长,如果是PLUS贷款)在14天后回复,则支付 发送通知的日期.  如果云顶集团决定不 the post-withdrawal disbursement, it will inform the student in writing within 15 days of the decision.


 If the total amount of Title IV grant and/or loan assistance that was earned as of the withdrawal date is less than the amount that was disbursed to the student, the difference between the two amounts will be returned to the Title IV program(s) and 不会再支付款项.



如果学生收到了多余的资金,云顶集团将退还全部 多余资金的数额,以适当的援助计划.


根据联邦法规的规定,资金将按照以下顺序返还, within 45 days from the date of determination that a student withdrew.

  • 无补贴联邦直接贷款
  • 联邦直接补贴贷款
  • 联邦直接贷款
  • Federal Pell Grants
  • 联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSEOG)

云顶集团将在45分钟内通知学生退还的任何资金 days of the date of determination that the student withdrew.


云顶集团退还给第四章项目的所有资金将被退回 这意味着一旦所有的资金都到位,就会产生余额 已返回到原始来源.


当学生在退学后的一个学期/模块内返回学校时, 和未获得的第四章资金已返回各自的项目账户, the aid may be reinstated if University of Dallas is able to recover the funds for 支付和学生是合格的.

注:第四章资金的返还与学院的学杂费分开 refund policy.