With more than 20 years of HR management experience, Dr. Rosemary Maellaro, decided to share her expertise through teaching. Dr. Maellaro moved to the Dallas-Fort Worth 1987年在南国公司(现在的7- 11公司)工作. She joined the faculty of the Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business at the University of 1993年在达拉斯担任兼职教授,同时担任人类副总裁 Resources for Black-eyed Pea Restaurants. She found the classroom experience exhilarating 并意识到她想要追求高等教育的事业.

在发现自己想教书的愿望后,她开始了长达九年的求知之旅 her Ph.D. 并于1998年成为香港中文大学的全职教师. Dr. Maellaro 目前为副教授,教授组织学硕士课程 开发和领导力,以及DBA项目中的敏捷组织.

Dr. Maellaro根据她的论文研究开发了“有效领导者”课程 这决定了当地招聘经理在MBA毕业生身上寻找的理想人际交往能力. 该课程侧重于培养领导者在当今社会取得成功所需的人际交往技能 organizations, as well as effective team dynamics. The online version of this class 2015年获得质量管理认证,符合质量课程设计标准.

Dr. Maellaro还为商学院(College of Business)提供领导力发展课程。 Executive Education Center. She has served the College of Business as the Academic 1996年至2001年担任人力资源管理专业的项目主管 2002年至2010年的组织发展集中.

Why did you become a professor?
我很幸运被聘为曾经是特拉华大学研究生院的兼职教授 School of Management in 1993.  I realized that after a long hard day at the office, 晚上,当我走进教室时,我充满了活力 had found my true calling. 1998年,我被聘为全职教员,并成为 a tenured Associate Professor in 2014.

What do you enjoy most about teaching?
对我来说,教学中最有意义的方面是看到学生们的灯泡亮起 when they have learned something new. Secondarily, I love to hear from students that 他们成功地将所学到的知识应用到工作中.

What do you hope students gain from your courses?
我希望学生们能够培养以尊严和尊重对待他人的技能 as they work toward achieving business goals. Toward that end, I also hope students 更好地了解自己,以及他们如何为组织做出贡献 在某种程度上,这不仅会导致他们个人职业目标的实现, but also in the overall success of the organization. I want them to leave with the ability to make a positive difference.

What did you do prior to entering academia?
我曾在酒店和零售行业担任人力资源管理职位. 而我是一个人力资源通才(薪酬、员工关系、招聘等).), 毫不奇怪,我总是对培训和领导领域特别感兴趣 development. 这些年来,我见过许多受过良好教育的聪明人 扎实的专业经验不会成为成功的管理者/领导者,因为他们缺乏 people skills. 

What are you passionate about outside of the University?
My family tops this list.  My Mom and siblings live in California and Arizona, so 我大部分的假期都是去西部旅游,尤其是去海边避暑 (another passion of mine). 在当地,我有继女、女婿和孙女 who live in Trophy Club who are very dear to me. I love the NBA and have been a die-hard Dallas Mavericks fan since I arrived here 30 years ago. And I have a management consulting 注重团队建设和领导能力、人际交往能力发展的实践.

What are your research interests?
成人学习,特别是与管理教育相关的学习是一项主要的研究 我的兴趣,以及情商和领导效能.  Additionally, 我对组织发展领域很感兴趣,其中包括一个重点 关于领导力发展和通过变得更加敏捷来帮助组织取得成功.

  • Leadership Development
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Team Building
  • Adult Learning
  • Experiential Learning

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Human and Organizational Systems
Fielding Graduate University, Santa Barbara, CA

Master of Arts (MA) in Human and Organizational Systems
Fielding Graduate University, Santa Barbara, CA

Master of Science (MS) in Management and Administrative Sciences
University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Liberal Arts
Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA 


Maellaro, R. & Olson, J. G. (2017). The story behind the story: Discovering and addressing the real team problem. In Anderson, D. L. (Ed.). Cases and exercises in organization development & change. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Sprinkle, T. A. & Maellaro, R. (2017). Lia’s Dilemma: Does Eileen Have What it Takes to Succeed? Sage Business Cases DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781526403735

Maellaro, R. (2017). Diana's dilemma: The promotion stumbling block.  In S.L. McShane & M. A. Von Glinow, Organizational behavior: Emerging realities for the workplace revolution; Eighth ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin

Miller, R.J. & Maellaro, R. (2016). Getting to the root of the problem in experiential 学习:通过解决问题和集体反思来提高学习效果. Journal of Management Education. 40(2). 170-193.

Wysong, S. & Maellaro, R. (2013). An empirical examination of mega-event volunteer 满意度和志愿者选拔改进流程(VSIP)的引入 model. The International Journal of Sport & Society, 3(2), 123-135.

Maellaro, R. (2013). 学习日志桥梁:从课堂概念到领导力 practices. Journal of Leadership Education, 12(1), 234-244.

Maellaro, R. & Whittington, J.L. (2012). What business students really need to learn: An evidence-based prescription for curriculum reform. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 12(4), 66-80. Invited submission 

信息技术专业人员协会(AITP) DFW分会特邀演讲人 ——《云顶集团4008om》(2015年8月)

“分析学生体验式学习见解,为网络安全设计提供信息。 Course”. 在管理教育和一般管理轨道上的演讲 the Southwest Academy of Management 2014 Annual Meeting

COB助教方向(2014年4月)-“教育与体验式学习” MBA Classroom”

国际商务传播者协会(IABC)达拉斯分会 演讲者-“情商:在心与脑的交叉点”(2013年4月)

Fritz Roethlisberger Memorial Award 2016年《云顶集团4008om》发表的最佳文章. Miller, R.J. & Maellaro, R. (2016). 在体验式学习中找到问题的根源:利用问题 解决和集体反思以改善学习成果. Journal of Management Education. 40(2). 170-193

Outstanding Reviewer Award – Management Education & 管理学院2016年年会开发部 Meeting

QM Certification 有效领导者课程,达到优质课程设计标准(2015年5月)

Inducted into Beta Sigma Gamma Honor Society (April 2014)

Best Reviewer Award -西南管理学会管理教育与综合管理专业 2014 Annual Meeting

Best Paper Award -南方管理协会管理教育/管理教育专场 2011 Annual Meeting: 商科学生真正需要学习的东西:循证课程处方 reform, co-authored with J. Lee Whittington

SHRM / HR Southwest Educator of the Year Award – October 2009

University of Dallas College of Business Dean’s Award for Excellence in Education – June 2009